١٩٩٨🤎 @jk.x24 TikTok video #7019945308926840065

التقت برجل يرتدي ملابس سوداء معه كوب من القهوة أثناء بحثها عن كتاب فقال لها سأبحث معك واتمنى ان تجدي الكتاب لم يعلم أنها تبحث عنه لتجعله قصتها#fypシ

views: 66.9K

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ID of current video is 7019945308926840065, it has been recorded and uploaded by @jk.x24 user

The reasons why it became popular probably is a talent of ١٩٩٨🤎 , however, without the following hashtags, it wouldn't get such many views: #taekook #bts_official_bighit #١٩٩٧ #jungkook

١٩٩٨🤎 was in good mood so we can see a little text description to their TikTok, which counts 264 symbols

Maybe, the success of this video caused by its famous soundtrack: 〘 𝑱𝑼𝑵𝑮𝑲𝑶𝑶𝑲 ♡〙 - الصوت الأصلي

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